hey :)

Welcome to my wondrous life, a unique blog here for you to explore life through my eyes. Read on, get inspired, and enjoy, but warning: my view on life, can be very, very contagious.

adventure | wander | explore | travel | discover

You Need To Do The Fun Things

You Need To Do The Fun Things

I’ve had a crazy insane week. Nonstop everything, barely time to eat, late nights studying and early morning classes. It was hectic. I’m a little bit behind on homework and trying to catch up with no extra time is a loosing game. My soul needed adventure. I was getting restless and frustrated with being in school. Instead of taking the weekend to catch up, I did what I knew my body needed, and took a day to recharge. So I texted a few friends who I knew would be up for adventure and set out.

After our first plans were scrapped pretty early in the day a plan B was quickly made. We would drive about 45 minutes south to Anna Maria Island to have a beach day—everything else would be up to fate.

There’s just something about driving around with good people, playing music that hits just right, that can instantly make any day a good day.

We found a parking spot on the side of the road, grabbed our gear and began the walk to the beach on a sand path that led us through some dunes. Outstretched before us was clear blue water and the softest sand I’ve felt. The sun glimmered off the waves beckoning us to come in. We found a place to dump our stuff and got in.

It was my first time free diving. Although we couldn’t go too deep out of safety, it was still a completely magical experience. In the ocean, nothing else matters except what is currently happening. The clearest blue water surrounds you and you learn to trust the sea. It’s bliss, then nervousness, then a deep breath of calm before you dive in. Warm water rushes over, swirling and surging. Your feet barely touch the ground but in the water’s embrace, it’s the most perfect quiet. Sunlight streams in from above and ripples off the surface, dancing on the bottom of the ocean. There are treasures to be found down there: crabs frantically running side to side, conchs with sea snails, and sand dollars still alive.

The fastest two hours of my life happened in the ocean that day. Before we knew it our lips were hurting from the salt water, every inch of skin was pruny, and we were hungry. We found a small taco shop off the main road that looked like a good choice for dinner. One of my favorite things about living in Florida is that almost every restaurant, cafe, or coffee shop, has outdoor seating where you can enjoy really good food while surrounded by luscious plants, tiny, curious birds, and vibrant flowers.

With full stomachs and happy hearts, we headed back to the beach for the sunset. And of course, we went swimming again; how could you not? The current was strong, but the sky was a beautiful watercolor of pinks and oranges. It shimmered off the surface, making the world glow yellow and coral, turning the sea into a galaxy of happy colors. You could feel joy emanating off the humans around us; everyone sharing the same beautiful moment, realizing how lucky we are that we get to have moments like this.

As the sun sank into the sea, signaling the day done, the stars shone brighter. For a while there we all wadded in the warm water of the gulf, laughing till our stomachs hurt, sharing this one moment bathing in the light of the universe where we all forgot for a second about the stresses of life.

We left the beach with bare feet, dripping wet from forgetting our towels in the car, and very content. With good music streaming through the speakers and the windows rolled down, we headed back home. I couldn’t help but smile to myself while looking around me. These wonderful humans surrounding me, I only met them weeks ago, and yet it feels so comfortable—like our souls knew each other in another lifetime. I’ve been in Florida for seven weeks now, and it still feels unreal. I’ve met some of the most amazing people, had some of the most insane experiences, seen the most wondrous things. I can’t believe that I’m lucky enough to have these moments. And to think that I almost didn’t transfer out of North Carolina.

It was one of those days where you don’t have any pictures from it because you didn’t have your phone on you on account of there being better things to do, because time feels so nonexistent that before you know it, it’s too dark to get pictures and it’s time to go home.

You have to allow time for your soul to recharge so you can continue to do the hard things. If you don’t give yourself time to do the fun things, life will begin to lose its fun. Make it a priority to take the time for the fun things. Take fifteen minutes to see the sunset, do the harder yoga practice, read a book outside, swim in the ocean for hours, don’t run from the rain, listen to good music. If you fill your life with happy things, happiness will follow.

I Woke up For The Sunrise For an Entire Week

I Woke up For The Sunrise For an Entire Week

Make Your Own Adventures

Make Your Own Adventures