hey :)

Welcome to my wondrous life, a unique blog here for you to explore life through my eyes. Read on, get inspired, and enjoy, but warning: my view on life, can be very, very contagious.

adventure | wander | explore | travel | discover

What to Do When You Get Bored

What to Do When You Get Bored

I need adventure. I can’t be in one place for a long time. And I can not stand being at home for more than three days in a row. So living during a pandemic has been problematic for me to say the least. At first, it was nice to finally have the time to read all the books that have been sitting next to my bed for years and go outside every day without feeling guilty about my workload, but now, I’m bored. Like very, extremely, utterly bored.

Let’s be honest, there are only so many times you can go to your local coffee shop, no matter how great it may be, before you even get bored with that. And I don’t have enough money in the world to supply the amount of coffee I was intaking from this coping mechanism. So I did the only I knew to do: plan a bunch of day trips and take my friends along for the ride.


Have you ever lived a day and every moment of it, you have to pinch yourself because you can’t believe it’s happening? You constantly hear yourself saying phrases like “This is insane”, “I can’t believe this is happening”, “This is unreal”? That was this day.

Charlotte, North Carolina is not the place you want to move to if you want to have easy access to the ocean. Any beach in the state is a minimum of six hours away, so I did the most sensible thing: I found a beach in another state. I know this doesn’t sound logical but when you live on the east coast, sometimes it’s easier (and closer) to go to another state for adventure. After some time messing around with google maps, I settled on South Carolina, Charleston to be exact.


Folly Beach is magical, to say the least. Just south of Charleston, Folly Beach has all the beach your heart could desire. I’ve been to lots of beaches in my time, and I have to say, Folly Beach is the most perfect beach. The is sand warm, the waves are calm and kind people are everywhere. When the tide goes out, small pools are left in the sand full of shells and ocean water warmed by the sun. You can walk out in the water for what feels like miles and never go above your waist in water. Dolphins swim playfully nearby, just out of reach of human touch.


As I was laying in the sand under our umbrella that just would not stay, I had this moment of pure peace. Everything around me was quiet and melodic: waves crashing against the shore, the sun warming my skin, sand kissing my toes, children playfully shouting while building sandcastles. I could have stayed there forever.

My one complaint about Folly Beach? It’s not close enough. After shark tooth hunting, a picnic lunch and laying in the sun we packed up and started the three-hour drive home.

So what should you do when you get bored? Get in the car, grab some friends, and drive somewhere that makes your soul happy. You can thank me later.

I Found My Happy Place

I Found My Happy Place

What Happens When You Say "Yes"

What Happens When You Say "Yes"