hey :)

Welcome to my wondrous life, a unique blog here for you to explore life through my eyes. Read on, get inspired, and enjoy, but warning: my view on life, can be very, very contagious.

adventure | wander | explore | travel | discover

Life Lessons From A Wanderer

Life Lessons From A Wanderer

Through my travels and by simply being on this earth, I’ve learned a thing or two in how to make your life an exciting adventure. Life isn’t always perfect, it almost never goes as planned and it can get really hard sometimes, but remembering that life is still beautiful and wonderful, even in the hard times, that’s the trick to living a wondrous life.

Here are a few of my favorite tips and tricks to having an adventurous life:

  • Whenever given the chance, always ride with the windows down, like all the way down, even in cold weather, but especially in warm. Playing good music during this is a must.

  • Always make simple trips to the grocery store an adventure. (Ex: If there is a child-sized grocery cart at said grocery store, one must use said grocery cart).

  • If you have a choice to go to class or go on an adventure (whatever that may be), always choose the adventure (unless you can’t miss anymore school, in which case you go to class, then go on the adventure).

  • If there is some opportunity presented to you, once in a lifetime or not, just do it. In a year (weeks and months even) you won’t remember the class you went to or the quiz you took, but you’ll remember the memories of choosing the experience instead.

  • Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful.

  • Try something new whenever you can. You’ll be surprised at what you can accomplish.

  • Always say “Thank you,” “I love you,” and “I appreciate you.”

  • Meals are always better with a good friend as company.

  • If there is a beach nearby, go to said beach and enjoy every moment of it.

  • Find good friends and find good people to put into your life, and never ever let them go. Put people in your life who make you smile so hard your cheeks hurt. Put people in your life who make you laugh so hard your stomach is sore the next day. Put people in your life who make this world even more beautiful than it already is. Put people in your life who make you understand what true happiness is.

  • Whenever you are feeling down, do something for someone else, it’ll make you feel better.

  • Never regret going on an adventure, even if it didn’t turn out as you planned, you still made memories and have stories to share.

  • Don’t be afraid to do something scary, whatever that may be.

  • Be true to yourself, don’t hide who you are. Every time someone steps up and says who they are, the world becomes a better, more interesting place.

  • The right playlist can make or break a road trip…so make it a good one.

  • Always do the scary thing…You get unforgettable memories, crazy stories to tell, and adventures like no other.

  • If you ever feel stuck in life, make a change. (You’re never truly stuck)

  • Falling is bound to happen in life, just make sure that when it’s time to get back up, you look to those around you for help and take their hand.

  • When life doesn’t look like you planed it, shake it off. It happens. But if you’re not happy, change something. Something can always be changed. Find what makes you soul soar, and trust it. Go with your gut and your heart. It always knows where to go. At least that’s what I’m doing, and so far it’s turning out pretty well.

The Best Places to Watch the Sunrise and Sunset Around the U.S.

The Best Places to Watch the Sunrise and Sunset Around the U.S.

Nantucket Island Life

Nantucket Island Life