hey :)

Welcome to my wondrous life, a unique blog here for you to explore life through my eyes. Read on, get inspired, and enjoy, but warning: my view on life, can be very, very contagious.

adventure | wander | explore | travel | discover

Happiness is...

Happiness is...

Happiness is playing card games in your bathing suits in the living room because there is no time to change. It's starting and ending your day with coffee because there is just too much you want to get done and so little time that sleep seems useless. It’s sleepy eyes because excitement wakes you up at ungodly hours.

Happiness is moments that fill your whole body and make your heart feel like it's going to explode with good feelings. It's waking up early to watch sunrises and going to bed in sand-sprinkled sheets. It's messy hair because showers seem to not matter when there are creaks and oceans that "wash your hair for you." It's long car rides with playlists longer than the time it takes to get to your destination. It's late-night talks, campfire laughs, and getting yelled at in campgrounds for accidentally being too loud because brushing your teeth suddenly becomes funny.

Happiness is lying in the middle of the street, getting lost in the expanse of stars, debating whether or not the shooting star just crossed your path or your eyes envisioned it from the lack of sleep and deliriousness setting in. It's thinking how lucky you are to have moments like these with the world’s most amazing people. It's smoothies in wine glasses because all the other dishes are dirty. It's barely being able to keep your eyes open but begging yourself to stay awake for just one more hour.

Happiness is riding in the back of pick-up trucks to your next adventure spot. It's laughing till your stomach hurts the next morning. It's dancing playing in the rain, and being so lost in magic that time feels nonexistent and pointless. It's riding with the windows down, the wind playing with your hair, your hands riding the waves of passing cars. It's acting like you're five, digging sand holes at the beach and playing on playgrounds, swinging on swings. It's ukulele jam sessions and deep talks in hot tubs that you'll remember forever. Happiness is swimming in waterfalls so cold you can't feel your toes.

Happiness is letting the wind whip through your hair as you brave the top of a mountain. It’s picnics and homemade pancakes for breakfast. It’s store-bought blueberry muffins at three in the morning and sleeping on porches because you want to watch the sun come up.

Happiness is getting caught in the pouring rain and jumping in puddles instead of getting upset that Mother Nature has changed your plans. It’s catching snowflakes in your mouth and acting like a child in the best ways possible. It’s back porch movie nights and coffee dates and hour-long dinners with friends.

Happiness is traveling with those who mean the most to you, and keeping those moments to always look back on. Happiness is found in the people you have in your life that make you feel like sunlight.

Nantucket Island Life

Nantucket Island Life

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